Author: wwwpud
Parametric hybridization of the peri-urban formation
FALL 2017 Final Jury
12.01.2018 | METU MUD Studio
The final jury of PUD 2017 Fall Studio was made in January 12, 2018 at METU Faculty of Architecture with the participation of the external critics, Dr. Yiğit Acar (Bilkent University) and Deniz Akman, (GTL Landschaftsarchitekten). The six group-works were presented …
PUBLIC LECTURE @ Bilkent University
22.11.2017 | FFB-22 | 13.00 pm
Within a session LAUD Talks series organized by the Department of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture at Bilkent University, Y. Baver Barut gave the public lecture on the topic of parametric design thinking in urban design. Having followed the previous …
PUBLIC LECTURE @ Atılım University
As an invited speaker, Y. Baver Barut gave the public lecture on the topic of parametric design thinking. The cognitive bacground of the computational design techniques with a special emhpasis on parametric modelling has been discussed …
Parametric Control of Peripheral Urban Formations
First meeting for Fall 2017 Studio
05.10.2017 | R.52B METU MUD Studio | 08.40 am
In coordination with METU MUD Studio, Fall 2017 PUD Studio takes the issue of peripheral urban formations into consideration for the design research studies to be conducted within UD555 Parametric Urban Design course during the current semester. Calling for the …
'Talking Tissues’: Collective Formation of Urban Fabric
SPRING 2017 Final Jury
14.09.2017 | METU MUD Studio
With the participation of the external critics, Yiğit Acar (METU Arch), Egemen Kızılcan (METU Arch), M. Nazım Özer (Ministry of Urbanism and Environment) and Ahmet Ünveren, PUD Studio Spring-2017 presented its group works in the final jury. The works demonstrating …
Parameterizing the generative urban block
FALL 2016 Final Jury
18.01.2017 | METU MUD Studio
The final jury of PUD 2016 Fall Studio was made in 18th May, 2016 at METU Faculty of Architecure with the participation of the external critics Can Kubin (Promim), Dr. Zeynep Eraydin (Promim), Ahmet Ünveren and Serdar Özbay. The six …
06.12.2016 | Bilkent University | FB-309
As an invited speaker, Dr. Olgu Çalışkan gave the public lecture on the new trends and tendencies in urbanism with a special focus on the emerging techniques on parametric urban design in consideration of the expected continuities and ruptures between …
Weaving the (Parametric) City
05.10.2016 | METU Faculty of Architecture
At the 20th anniversary of its establishment, MSc Urban Design Program at METU organised an international symposium on urban design on 4-6 October 2016 in Ankara, Turkey. As part of the symposium, an exhibition named as Weaving the City Through the …
28.05.2015 | METU Faculty of Architecture, Kubbealtı Lecture Hall
After the first design workshop conducted by Dr. Olgu Çalışkan, Y. Baver Barut and Gökhan Ongun at METU Faculty of Architecture in May, 30th – June 1st 2014, the PUD group initiated a public debate on the issue of the fundamental difference …