2014-2015 Spring

UD755 Parametric Urban Design

 As the first attempt to introduce parametric modelling into the education of urban design at METU, the 2014-2015 PUD Studio aims to set the algorithmic logic of parametric design within the morphological framework of urbanism. Re-framing the parametric approach in an urban project requires a focused investigation on the given context to come up with an original set of concepts that potentially generate multiple-alternatives by design. To establish such a generative logic by using the design algorithms, the students are asked to formulate different spatial problemtics around a certain theme which would allow them to identify a clear set of (morphological) parameters for design. By this way, the urban project is positioned in a parametric logic to be re-operated by the design algorithms. The exemplified projects, therefore, reveal a comprehensive design research pursing the experimentation of different design themes parametrically within diverse spatial settings.

Instructors: Dr. Olgu Çalışkan, Y. Baver Barut, Gökhan Ongun

 Students:  Gizem Nur Akdemir, Sadık Deniz Akman, Ezgi Balkanay, Merve Başak, Nilay Nida Can, Gülce Demir, Tayfur Gürel, Pınar Kesim, Kayhan Köken, Ilgın Kurum, Gökçe Önal, Anıl Sakaryalı, Ensar Temizel, Burcu Uysal, Elif Eda Uzunoğulları, Didem Yönter

Student projects:


01_’Parametric Coastline’ – Ayvalık 

by Pınar Kesim and Gülce Demir



02_Generative Urban Block_01

 by Sadık Deniz Akman and Gizem Nur Akdemir



03_Generative Urban Block_02

by Merve Başak and Nilay Nida Can



04_Waterfront Redevelopment – Rotterdam

by Ezgi Balkanay and Kayhan Köken



05_Extension of METU Technopark

by Tayfur Gürel and Gökçe Önal



06_Designing Urban Armature  

by Ensar Temizel, Burcu Uysal, Elif Eda Uzunoğulları and Didem Yönter